Twitter: @Hotshoeuae

The Falling Towers: Sony DI Challenge II's 12FPS Photo Challenge

I mentioned in my last post that during the last kick-off event, we were handed a booklet that contains the challenges that we are to do. There are basically four (4) challenges that we must do for the whole course of the program. The first challenge that was given to us was, to utilize the camera's 12 frames per second function to capture the motion of fast moving object in each frame. After achieving such photos, we will then merge the 12 frames into one single frame showing the flow of motion.

This is what i came up with. The domino effect. Many of you might say that this is just a simple creation but  I tell you, it's not as easy as it looks--and, it was very hard to execute!

The proper stacking of the domino pieces with its proper spacing takes a lot of time to make. A small mistake would make the pieces fall repeatedly and you have to start all over again. Unlike shooting a moving subject in an open environment with lots of light and just wait for the proper timing while blending the ISO, shutter speed and aperture is just simple adjustments. 

My subject is different due to it's tricky situation where in I need to shoot in a closed area where there is insufficient source of light. A proper combination of ISO and shutter speed are my key elements that made it happen. I did not go for a very high ISO because I'll suffer image quality lost with noise and I need to crank up the shutter to capture the motion in its proper sequence, with the help of an IKEA lampshade, my burden has been reduced and it also gave an effect to subject by casting shadows.  I chose a wide aperture as well to get a shallow depth of field to give some kick to the photo. Upon series of stacking and shooting, I finally came up with an entry for the first challenge. Mysterious is it? or puzzling?

It's not yet late to cast a vote, you may help me out to win the Sony DI Challenge by following the instructions below.
2. Click like and allow apps for Sony DI Challenge.

3. Click Vote for your favorite then click "CHALLENGE 1"

4. Click "Give a Pixel" on the 5th PHOTO entitled FALLING TOWERS under the Amateurs Category.

Thanks for your time...
..til the next blog post!

Keep on supporting me for the Sony DI Challenge guys :)

The Hot Shoe Anthologist